
Showing posts from July, 2013

Sanity, Culture, and Global Customs and Mores Versus Globalization Theory

Take a man out of his environment and place him somewhere unfamiliar, where he is completely uncomfortable and label him insane. Is it so hard to understand that different people like different places more than others and don't like certain places as much as other places? Since people, generally speaking, and individuals with their own minds, perspectives, and preferences in life, would it not be hard to believe that certain locales are more therapeutic to some, but not to all. For instance, take a Peruvian farmer and place him in downtown Los Angeles, he will surely feel discomfort and dis-ease.  But to label him mentally ill, through bipolar disorder, depression, or a number of thousand different psychological disorders, because he doesn't immediately adapt, take off his traditional clothing and replace his style and demeanor with that of a typical business professional, working on a 9 to 5 schedule with overtime, sipping on triple espressos from Starbucks midday, and b